Unity Career Institute


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Services financiers Unity offers several professional tax courses that cover a variety of specialties, from the beginner student to advanced corporate tax preparation. Select your course below!

Trust And Estate Planning

This course covers all aspects of T3 Trust Returns and also covers Retirement & Estate Planning.

Course Information:

Due to the aging population, this area of tax planning is becoming an important source of revenue for Tax Professionals.The course contents are available online and must be completed in 16 weeks for $395 plus tax & is tax deductible. All exams and quizzes are open-book and performed Online. Your receipts and Certificates are available from your Online Moodle Course account. The course content is updated on a continuous basis. Instructed lead zoom classes will be avaiable every January. This Course will include live demonstration of the TaxTron web based student version of T3 Software. Space is limited for zoom classes on a first come first server basis The Text Book is updated in July of each year. For the Self-Learning Correspondence option, you can request that the textbook be shipped to you during the online checkout process and schedule a time for you to pick up the text book at our Services financiers Unity Head Offices.

Topic Covered:

  • Retiring & Severance Allowances
  • Power of Attorney
  • Wills
  • Living Wills
  • Trust & Estate Returns
  • Clearance Certificates
  • Elective Returns Upon Death
  • Non Residents & Canadian Assets
  • Tax Planning with a Spouse
  • Gift Taxes
  • US & Canadian Estate Taxes
  • Non Resident Beneficiaries
  • Impact of Death on RRSP’s TFSA, RESP’s, RPP, DPSP’s, RRIF’s & HBP
  • Testamentary & Inter Vivios Trust
  • Student version of web based taxtron T3 software

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